WHAT: Fit Kids is a modified CrossFit class for our younger ones. Each class will involve a warm-up, some skill work, then the workout of the day (WOD) and we normally finish with a game.  The focus is on teaching your children to move in a functional manner that is safe and fun and will lead to an enjoyment of exercise that will last a lifetime.

WHO: These classes are suitable for kids between the ages of 6 and 12 years old.

WHEN: Classes are on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3.45 – 4.15pm (30 minutes)


1 Child: $150 per term p/p

2 Kids: $250 total per term

3 Kids: $350 total per term

HOW: Fees are to be paid in full prior to the school term starting to secure your spot. In order to keep Coach/kids ratio nice and low to give your child the utmost attention, limited spaces will be available each term.

BOOK: To book your child into our Fit Kids Classes please contact 0800 CFPAP or email



WHAT: Our Teens Classes are a modified version of our Adult Classes to suit young adults. The will build strength in a variety of movements, learn new skills and participate in a workout of the day (WOD). Emphasis is on safety and having fun!

WHO: These classes are suitable for teenagers between the ages of 13 and 18 years old.


4 Classes per week: $269 per term (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 4.15 – 5.15pm)

2 x Classes per week: $159 per term (Either Monday & Wednesday OR Tuesday & Thursday 4.15 – 5.15pm)


If a parent of a teenager is a current member of CrossFit Papamoa, they receive a discounted term price for their teenager. This does not apply for Kids Classes.

4 x Classes per week: $239 per term (see class times above)

2 x Classes per week: $145 per term (see class times above)

Fees are to be paid in full prior to the school term starting to secure your spot. In order to keep Coach/Teen ratio nice and low to give your teenager the utmost attention, limited spaces will be available each term.

HOW: To get started in our Teens Classes an ‘On-Ramp’ course must be completed. This course focuses on technique training & must be completed by new members to ensure you are familiar with the foundation movements of CrossFit.

BOOK: To book your teen into our Teens Classes please contact 0800 CFPAP or email
