Head Coach, Owner and ‘All Round’ good guy
“At CrossFit Papamoa – A great coach motivates, build confidence, reinforces good sportsmanship, encourages teamwork, instils a love of learning for the sport of CrossFit and inspires us to reach our goals”
While playing rugby league in Australia Aydan discovered a love of CrossFit and returned to NZ accepting a role on staff coaching here at CrossFit Papamoa in 2014. The following year the universe conspired to take that passion into a full-time career opportunity and Aydan purchased the business. Over the last 6 years, Aydan has grown with his business to establish sound business processes, incorporate a great training programme to develop his athletes and also surround himself with like-minded staff who can help him build CrossFit Papamoa into the very best it can be. Although humble with his abilities his all-time favourited WOD is Kalsu and he has a 1rm C&J of 150kg and Snatch at 130kg.

Blurb to come soon!

CrossFit Coach and Barbell ninja/enthusiast
“At CrossFit Papamoa – Perfection is not attainable. But if we chase perfection, we can catch excellence.”.
Being physically active as a teen has seen Janita gain representative honours in softball, netball and basketball. Later in life martial arts featured with a black belt or two in ‘Zen do Kai’, then full contact ring fights in Kickboxing and boxing. A passion for CrossFit led to discovering a talent in Olympic Lifting and honours both regionally, nationally and internationally culminating in a Gold Medal performance at the IWF World Masters Competition in Barcelona in 2018. She rates this achievement right up there with running the New York marathon and giving birth to 10lb babies. Our mother and grandmother proves that following a well written program and always focussing on the long game in life will always pay dividends. Janita’s all-time favourite WOD would have to be Isobel and has a 1RM C& J of 80kg and Snatch at 70kg.

CrossFit Coach and ROMWOD leader extraordinaire
“At CrossFit Papamoa – Coaching is taking an athlete where they can’t take themselves”
Panda brings with her a wealth of lifetime experience to her coaching which includes representative honours in waka ama, a love of boxing and an appreciation of trail running. Panda proves that getting older does mean getting better when she gained first place in New Zealand in the 2019 open. Panda is fond of Fran and also holds a minute record for holding a plank with 135kg!

CrossFit Coach – Teens coach – and moves like poetry!
“At CrossFit Papamoa – Nobody who ever gave his best regretted it”
Lakaiya Walkers CrossFit journey began in Victoria Australia. CrossFit Papamoa were blessed when her family returned to NZ and continued to train with us. Kaiya is part of a new generation of athlete who have been raised on CrossFit. Kaiya has been taught and is a practitioner of sound movement patterns and great fundamentals of which she ensures all her athletes practise. Kaiya leads our teens programme and brings her passion for all thing’s gymnastics and barbell to every session. Kaiya has a 1rm snatch of 70kg and C&J of 75kg